Pricing to suit all business sizes.
Whether you're a festival, an International Airport, a University, or the go-to coffee shop, Pixit has options and pricing to fit the needs of your business.
Claims ManagementProhibited ItemsFAQsClaims Management Platform
Lost and found, item confiscation and return, prohibited items management, item check, valet, shipping
Prohibited Items
Quickly and easily create prohibited items lists for your venue or event with Pixit’s prohibited items tool. Import Pixit’s prohibited item data lists to be sure you are including all necessary items on your lists. Easily distribute your lists to your staff and customers, and receive important updates on new security trends.
Contact UsFrequently asked questions
Do I have to show pictures of the items on my website?
I have more than one location, do you offer pricing discounts for multiple locations?
Do I have to sign up for a full year or can I pay monthly?
Can I start with one license and add others later?
Do you provide training?
What payment methods do you accept?
Do the payments have to be in USD?
Do you charge for support?
What if we have questions after we sign up?
Are there fees for adding additional users?
What are the differences between each plan?
Is there a limit on the number of users I can have in my account?
Is there a limit on the number of items I can log into the system and will I be charged if I exceed the limit?
Does your mobile app work with both iOS and Android?
Do you offer single-sign on and two factor authentication?